My ultimate goal with microSaaS is to build multiple income producing web services for niche audiences. The most difficult part of this process is deciding on an idea that I want to commit myself to building. I think one mistake developers make in this space is that they begin building a project without a target user in mind. It’s easy to start building a project with an idea that you think is cool, but ultimately I think you need to build a product that actually solves a problem.
So one of the first places a developer is sent to solve a problem is solving a problem of their own. In other words, scratch your own itch. This problem itself is where I find myself in this process, and it is what led me to being building my first project

microSaaS101 is a project that I’m developing to help me test out microSaaS ideas. The premise is simple. I get an idea, I purchase a domain. This is the usual process for starting a development project, but where it really should start is with finding the audience. So the purpose of is to put the entire idea of the project in writing. This will help me to keep the goal in mind while developing, and keep focus. But the main purpose of this is to generate a landing page for the project. The landing page will collect analytics, collect email addresses, and hopefully build an audience.
I want to build this site as I’m populating it with content. The actual website builder behind authentication is an Inertia app that populates each section of the landing page. So essentially what I have is a template for each landing page section that gets populated with content for each individual submission. The actual rendering of the page to the end user is a blade loop that pushes out each of the template sections in a pre determined order.
I will use the site for myself at first, and if it works as intended I plan to open it up for anyone else who would find it valuable.